Jan 30, 2011

"Easy A" Review

So me and my friend watched Easy A last night. It was really funny! And not in a bad cheesy, teen angst trying too hard way. It was smart funny. It makes you think about morals, values and how far would YOU actually go to help others. I found myself thinking "who did i stick up for when i was in high school?" I know i helped a few, i did what i thought was right. And i did build up a mini reputation for several things that were...dare i say...untrue hehe But i didn't have people protesting me like Olive did. I knew where the line was.

Emma Stone is an excellent actress. She should be getting more credit and more gigs for her skill. She isn't over the top and she can deliver big words in a way that make you think, she talks like this on a regular basis. She made a teen drama/comedy interesting with her narration and thought process. The writers definitely get kudos from me! I love how suddenly all her clothes have the Scarlett Letter A sewn on them...on a boob even! That was hilarious! No matter what she wore there was the giant red A on a boob...you had no choice but to look at it =) Wardrobe did that brilliantly.

The other thing i have to mention is the actors who played Olive's parents Stanely Tucci and Patricia Clarkson were BRILLIANT!! Usually parents in teen movies are either 1) nonexistent or 2) so unaware of their kids antics they might as well be nonexistent. These parents though, you could tell they were a lil hippy but more so, took pride in how they raised their daughter. They knew she was smart and funny enough to handle high school and anything that came up during those dangerous 4 years. The relationship they had with Olive was really nice to see for a change of pace. They trusted her but was always there to talk if she needed too. Also supported her fight for the good...or evil...depending on how you look at it lol I would say Olive's mom reminded me a bit of my own mother and the dad well, i would kill for a father like that! Especially during high school days. They weren't a perfect normal family either. They were definitely a little more "loose" compared to most parents i would think but they always had a nice grip on the leash i believe. Her mother cracked us up with her talking about being a whore back in her day and trying to show Olive her "moves" lol

The humor in this movie was perfect! They even talked smacked about some other teen movies and highlighted the awesome movies from the 80s that we all love! I mean really, who doesn't want a random musical in the story of their high school days?! This movie had heart too. Olive was just trying to help someone out and it got out of control fast just like most things do at that time of our lives. I must say, i am so very thankful cell phones weren't around like they are when i was in high school lol I don't think i could handle that mess at all lol OH and Thomas Hayden Church played the classic cool teacher we all had who made you want to hang with him but you knew that would lead to all kinds of wrong lol His moments were a bit awkward because of the story line but memorable.

Yes, i approve this movie whole heartedly! I am going to buy it and watch it again and again! I give it 5 stars!!! Because anyone that can make Huckleberry Finn "gay" deserves 5 stars =D

Jan 25, 2011


Just a few quick remarks about the President's State of the Union address tonight. I had the pleasure of watching it with my good friend Row. He is by far much more a politico than i am, but i don't feel stupid if i have to ask him to explain something to me.

Don't get it twisted. I am not a blind President Obama follower and never will be. I don't agree with everything he says and does. If you think i am, then like i always say, you don't know me at all.

It saddens me that some of you whom i call friend will write me off or get really pissed off when i do support the President. Or when i mention anything that he has done. It disappoints me that those of you who strongly disagree with everything he has done and everything he ever will do don't even want to talk about it. You just throw out how evil and fucked up you think he is and then don't want to talk about it any further. When you are done, the whole conversation is done, so it seems. And if you do try to explain your point of view you are so vague and obscure you make no real point at all.

I enjoyed the fact that he mentioned that Muslim Americans are Americans as well. And about the DADT needing to be ended. Also enjoyed SOH Boehnner grin at all the wrong times and look so insanely bored as if he had a better place to be. Really? Come on now!

I really just want to extend an open invitation to ANYONE who is anti or pro President Obama to talk to me, i mean REALLY talk to me about why you support or don't support him. We need to have these open discussions so we can stop pointing fingers at each other and really understand where each other is coming from...even if we don't agree with it. You can have a soap box and yell as loud as you want but if you aren't saying anything of value and fact there is no point. I also would like if you honestly can admit if you were all for Bush Jr and Clinton when in office, OR did you become so engrossed in politics just when President Obama came into office?? Let's be frank and honest with each other. Running away from the discussion solves nothing. I have always believed that in order to be a complete free thinker and make reasonable decisions you need to be informed about BOTH SIDES, not just the one you agree with. So seriously...let's talk. And if you still choose to not talk then that's on you. But for me, i am not going to let talking heads tell me what i should agree with. Nor am i going to blindly go with what they say either...but hey, that's just me.

"Cong. Ryan's plea for his unborn grandchildren undercut by his support for higher tax rates for middle class than for rich" - Keith Olberman (i'm just saying)

Jan 24, 2011

Get It In

If you have not read the last post by AbFab then stop reading NOW and scroll down and read it THEN come back to this one...i can wait...

It's true, i agree with AbFab for the most part about it's difficult to get laid. And i know guys think its harder for them which i believe it is. It's hard for both sexes for different reasons. But i am just going to talk about the female point of view lol

It's not about finding someone to have sex with. Us ladies have it pretty easy in that department. Show some boobs, leg and shake our asses most guys are sold. We could literally find a guy within 20mins of searching in our phone contacts who will be at our door in another 20mins ready to go. Will it be good, eh depends who it is. But usually it just takes the edge off so we can not kill anyone while we continue to look for another piece of ass.

The issue is finding someone we WANT to have sex with. Forget all the emotional crap we like to have when we get naked with a guy...we literally have to accept that this person is going to see us naked and be in us and we are going to be vulnerable for awhile hopefully getting something amazing in return for such a thing. That and most of us have standards. So going and just letting any dick in isn't appealing. There has to be attraction not just a dick. Guys are lucky in the sense of most can have that disconnect where a girl to screw is just that, a girl to screw and she means nothing to him. Us ladies, don't work that way. Its very hard for us to disconnect. But if we somehow CAN disconnect and find some dick we want in us, we are really hoping its worth the kind of dirty feeling afterwards.

I'm not a whore. I wish some times i was just so i could go and get the easy lay. I wish i could disconnect my brain and just have amazing wild sex with a stranger and not look back. But sadly, i have these things called morals and values in my way. Not to say i haven't had a wild moment here and there. But that's besides the point!

Getting laid for the sake of getting laid isn't as easy as one thinks, period. I've been trying to get into this one person's pants for awhile now but its turning out to be harder than it really should be. I feel your pain AbFab! But don't worry, i have a feeling we will have our fuck buddies soon...i hope. NO ONE likes being in a sexual recession :P

Must BITCH now

I am absolutely floored by how difficult it is to get laid. I was in a committed relationship for 7 years so this whole dating thing is kind of newish, but what's a girl gotta do to get a regular piece of ass?!?

One would think it would be relatively easy to find a regular fuck buddy, right?


Back in December I met a guy I thought was perfect for the job; he's younger, super cute, and a musician (my favorite)! Plus the kid lives within walking distance from my house!! We met at a bar and let's just say we had a wonderful time together (ALL NIGHT LONG) He immediately asks when we can do this again.

A few days go by and I text him to see if he wants company, but he's busy. No biggie. I'm a busy person, too. I get it.

A week or so goes by and he's continually busy. So i gave up. Went on break, had a great time.

Then he starts texting first at 4:30 am...I am so not going to be up at 4:30 am on a weeknight.

The next week I get a text this time it's 3:30 am....seriously, dude...it's Wednesday I'm sleeping!

Then I decided I would text him one night after spending one too many hours at the bar. He says, he just wants sex is that ok? I say that's the whole reason I texted you, do you want some company? I certainly don't want to date this guy I just ended a long relationship I'm just trying to have some fun. Naturally he's busy. So I wrote him off again and I haven't heard from him since.

Until, just now I saw him in the building where I work and he so so so devastatingly cute that it sent me into a frenzy of Facebook stalking (no luck) but I can't even remember how to spell his name. I did find him in the background of someone's picture...lol.

So I ask what's the deal? You want sex, I offer sex, and you're busy!?! Eff you.

Jan 17, 2011


Real quick, gotta admit, im a fan of Jersey Shore. I know! I KNOW! I'm horrible but i do! Its like the insane version of the first few seasons of The Real World and yall remember how awesome that was!

I love Snookie, Pauly and Vinnie mucho mas! JWow is cool as well. The rest bleh lol I know i'm not the only closet fan out there. It surprises me how many of my friends actually watch the show we just don't talk about it lol Talk about shame right! But not me! I am not shamed at all!!!

I am sorry to the people who look up to me and such, i hope this doesn't change your view point of me. I'm only human and sometimes i gotta watch the car crash =P

Jan 12, 2011

Give Me A Minute...

WARNING!! This post is not about politics but people and if you can't see the difference then do not read it.

My dear friend Row tweeted "please people suspend the snarkiness, partisanship and divisiveness and come together for at least the next hour." right before the President made his speech in Tucson, AZ tonight.

I wish more people heard/read this tweet. I wish more people would literally stop being jerks and realize what is happening. I wish people would stop being so deeply rooted in their "side" and admit that this shit is scary as hell.

"What we cannot do is use this tragedy as one more occasion to turn on each other" said the President.

My heart is deeply saddened by the event in Tucson. It could literally happen anywhere at anytime to any of us. I am not in this post going to say how simply retarded some "political figures" are acting since this event occurred. I am not going to say how i feel very hhmmm short tempered towards people who are still sitting on their high horses and pointing a middle finger to people who don't agree with them and their point of views political or other wise. I will say, i am really sick and tired of this constant "instant gratification" bullshit we as Americans have towards our government and leaders. Heaven forbid nothing gets done on our clocks. Heaven forbid nothing gets done the way each individual person wishes it to be done. Heaven forbid we actually thank any human being for taking on such a leadership role in any level of government. Because truth be told...MOST of us wouldn't dare do what these people do even if we were getting paid MILLIONS AN HOUR for it!

Jon Stewart gave an amazing monologue about what happened in Tucson, AZ it can be seen here http://www.thedailyshow.com/full-episodes/370510/mon-january-10-2011-denis-leary

What amazes me is a comedian on a comedy channel probably gave the best narration of the situation than just about all the political newscasters on all of the channels. YET, many don't take him seriously because he is "just a comedian". Really people? Really!

Yeah i am more than just a little upset about all this back and forth happening over this event. People don't like how i am proud of President Obama for how he is handling the event. Um so did you like how Bush Jr. handled Katrina? Did you like how people were treated in that event? If not then tell me how YOU would handle this situation? How would YOU address the nation about it? How would YOU deal with not just the new daily shit that happens with your country but all the past shit you gotta deal with too.

We sit and analyze TO DEATH the awful job someone who has a huge fucking job to do until we are blue in the face. We sit and say all the wrong this person is doing. We don't listen to them no matter WHAT he is speaking on. We stick to our beliefs and have blinders on because there possibly can't be anything this person can do or say we would agree with. I will say it...i couldn't stand Bush Jr. I was one of the people counting down his departure! BUT let's be real here...did i bash him relentlessly? Did i ignore his speeches? Did i mock people who liked him? Nope. I can honestly say i did not have blinders up for that whole time he was in office. Why not? Because i wanted to know what the fuck he was doing and how it was going to affect me, my family, my friends and my country. I disagreed with him on just about everything he did. But did i disrespect the leader of my country? Nope. Because Lord knows I would NEVER do that job!

Why am i angry? Why am i lashing out? Because i am so fucking tired of this "you stay on your side and i stay on my side and we will argue about everything and blame each other for everything that is going wrong because there is no way my side is wrong in what it does" chatter. I don't care WHO is in office, we aren't going to get shit done if we keep fighting each other at every opportunity! We are not going to be united on anything if we can't even agree that these things should not be happening and that we should do something besides running our mouths to get this shit fixed. My heart bleeds for every single troop out there. I have had several close friends of mine pass on in the line of duty. So don't even go there with me.

You want to sit and tell me to keep "my President" then fine, do what you gotta do. But don't expect me to take that shit lightly. I don't stand up for things unless i truly believe in them. I don't get out the soap box unless i am truly pissed about something and want my voice to be heard. You can go and disagree with me all you want...i got you. And even if you disagree with me, i still got love for you. But don't be an asshole about it. Don't disrespect my point of view just because it's different with yours. And don't challenge me when you wear blinders. And please don't even come at me with preconceived notions ABOUT ME. You don't know me like that, so don't act like you do.

I said at the start this post is not about politics but people. If you still don't get where i am coming from then you clearly don't get me as a person. Its not about who is in office, its about what they are doing and what WE can do TOGETHER. Cut through the bullshit and get to the details and the core of the matter. Take your personal feelings out of it and challenge on facts not on what he/she said chatter.

We lose people every day to completely unexpected events. This event happened on a political stage but it's not about politics at the end of the day. Politics will never trump Death. And that's why i am so very upset about all this and people's responses to it. It seems so many are too stuck on the wrong topic to even see that it doesn't matter what side you are on or where you are at or who you are...when death comes for you its going to get you. So man the fuck up and do something positive while you are still here instead of fighting a battle you will never win.

Leave a comment if you want but really i don't care anymore. I am sorry to my fellow authors of this blog that i had to take this very happy place to a dark place. I hope you understand why i did it here though and i love you guys!

Jan 10, 2011

No! Stop That!!!

1. Why is there another Scream movie being made? Cause we still don't know who the killer is? Why haven't they just discontinued making that damn mask? We get it, seriously we do!

2. The priest Father Albert Cutie who got outted by a gossip magazine for an alleged affair BUT the woman was his actual WIFE. He had to leave the Catholic Church because he was married. He didn't want to be banned from his calling because of his wife so they kept it undercover for awhile. Then the stupid magazine outted them. So he can't be a Catholic Priest anymore. YET, we have little children being molested by these so called "men of the cloth" and they get to stay in the church! SERIOUSLY?! I give him major props for doing his book and showing what really happens. And i appreciate what he does because he is showing God's love for us and God's desire for us to be with people whom we love =)

3. Everything with an "i" infront of it...ie ipad, isleep, icrap...turns me off instantly. My friend and i agreed that whenever we see something with an "i" infront of it, we are instantly turned off and don't look twice at it. Seriously, if you know me, you know i am not a Mac/Apple fan AT ALL =P I have been against the whole ifad since DAY ONE and i haven't changed my stance at all. I know, i will get iflack for this but idon'tcare!! Some of yall are just drones and will buy whatever ijobs tells you to ibuy. I mean how genius is it to make a phone that is so far ahead of the game YET you put the damn antenna where the person's hands will be and THEN tell them to put a piece of TAPE over it...SERIOUSLY? WTH iHELL?! You spending hundreds some times thousands of dollars on these things and then you gotta buy some 40cent tape to make sure it works right...wow. Drones i tell ya...all of yall are drones! Rather yet...sheep, just a bunch of isheep lol I love you all who support the evilness that is Apple but you are isheep and i wonder what will happen if Apple ever decides to start pricing their stuff WAY than they should...will you still be an isheep?

Those are my 3 major rants for the day, agree, disagree let me know either way =)

Jan 8, 2011


Last night i finally saw the movie Kick-Ass with my bestie. OMG that movie is hilarious and violent! I remember when it came out and you had 2 types of people talking about it; One group were the parents of kids who really didn't like how the movie was masquarading as a comic book hero movie but was rated R...the other group were people in their 20s who LOVED IT!

I mean what person doesn't dream about being a superhero and really kicking ass? But this movie showed the reality of that which i really enjoyed. You can't just put on a costume and expect society to accept you trying to save people. There are going to be jerks who actually fight you back with real weapons and you are definitely going to get hurt. The closest superhero (even though he would hate you calling him that) Kick-Ass came to reminding you of was Batman. Which is why i think Big Daddy sort of looked like a cousin of Batman lol You can't just try to physically fight these guys, you need weapons and toys. Especially since you have no super powers.

My favorite line in the movie was "with no power comes no responsibility" LOL Hilarious twist on the Spiderman mantra. Even though it really shocked me right out the gate with the blood and violence (im talking 10mins in someone was dying) there was something very cool about this movie that you couldn't turn away. Nick Cage was perfect pyscho dad too! There were parts where we agreed they probably didn't give him any direction and just told him to be his crazy self lol I didn't understand why he talked the way he did when he was in costume but i guess he felt he needed to sound more intense and precise? Who knows lol

Ok, let's talk about the little girl named Hit Girl. What is she, like 10 or 11 years old? OMG that chick killed the movie! She was the icing on the cake! I like how she played a bigger roll later in the film and they let the teenage boy have the beginning of it. My friend and i were wondering how much therapy did that girl need AFTER making this movie lol The constant fighting (even though she had stunt doubles i'm sure she played some of her own physical parts) and killing people. OH her weapons were BRUTAL! I loved every single one of them especially the double bladed rod but DAMN! She didn't just kill you, she gutted you! And every kill was somewhere in the heart or head...she made sure you were deader than dead. I give her parents props for letting her be apart of this type of film. She may never act again but damn it, she got to live the dream of being a badass superhero which is almost every kids dream at some point. And she did an amazing job at it too!

I won't spoil the ending but it makes me wonder are they working on a Kick-Ass2 at all. Oh and the comic book they showed during the movie to explain Nick Cage's issues was great! The graphics and 3D was so freaking cool! The nerd in me was like "can the whole movie be that style?" lol They definitely knew what they were doing when creating this movie. It had everything and then some that you would find in your typical comic book adventure. The guy who played Kick-Ass too is kind of cute...when he wasn't in his wetsuit costume that is lol

I give it 4.5 stars...because its rare a movie is a 5 star =)

Jan 6, 2011

Safe to Pee!

So today at work i cleaned the bathroom. The disgusting icky bathroom. You would think in a store filled with cleansers and perfumes the bathroom would be the last nasty place but nope...not true at all =P

I even took pictures of the sparkling toilet when i was finished! I am so proud of myself! As gross as it was and as much as i choked on all the Mr. Clean All Purpose spray i used, that bathroom is hella clean and dare i say, safe to use once again!

I hope it gets cleaned more than once every month now but i'm not holding my breath. Why do these little things make us so proud? I don't know and i really don't care. I just want to enjoy the feeling of a safe place to pee when i am at work now =)

Now if only i had the energy to clean my own bathroom hmmm? Maybe Saturday i will do it. And yes you can blame me for freaking you out about your nasty bathroom now =P


I have a bad habit. It's called over-sharing, because I seem to think everyone out there should really care what I have to say. For several reasons:

1. I am clearly extremely entertaining and intelligent.

2. the rules absolutely do not apply to me.

3. My life is a complete disaster and thus ridiculously funny to other parties.

Let's get started.

I am a 30 year old sorority house mom. Single. Attempting to internet date. 2 cats and 1 dog. The sorority house is a 70 year old piece of crap that I'm attempting to hold together while keeping 20 teenage girls happy. See it's funny already.

Winter break is ending this weekend and I'm expecting the girls back starting Saturday. While they've been gone I've had the entire sewer line replaced, which of course, runs under my apartment and the kitchen. The whole first floor looks like Kosovo it's a war zone. There's debris and dust EVERYWHERE and I'm living in an empty room upstairs. The plumbers have promised to have me back in my room by tomorrow night, but of course the tile guy won't be done until next week so I'll be using the communal bathrooms upstairs.

YAY for sharing a bathroom with 10 uber skinny sorority girls. YAY.

Jan 5, 2011

Come On In!

So this is the first post. I guess I should inform you of what is going to be going on here. I would totally do that if I had any idea of what was going to happen here lol Alas I have no idea what is going to happen in this lil part of the web but I am pretty sure it will be entertaining none the less! I am hoping a few special other people will be joining me on this adventure, so you will have not just my point of view on things but other full frontal opinions as well from other awesome people!

If you are interested in contributing to this blog leave a comment and I will get back to you.

Oh I guess I could introduce myself...I am Razz, the creator and leader of this blog. I enjoy raining on people's parades and making grown men cry! What more do you need to know?

This is an open blog, meaning you can ask me or any of the other authors whatever you like! I have no problem dishing out advice to anyone about anything, in fact I enjoy it very much. We will tell stories upon stories and generally just rant till we get whatever is on our minds out. We do not promise to post every day, nor do we promise to keep it PC. So as the warning over there on the right suggests, if you have any issues with anything written just close the tab and get back to your life.

I hope you come back often to read the awesome here and contribute with comments, even if you disagree! A healthy debate is always a good thing!

thanx for reading!