WARNING!! This post is not about politics but people and if you can't see the difference then do not read it.
My dear friend Row tweeted
"please people suspend the snarkiness, partisanship and divisiveness and come together for at least the next hour." right before the President made his speech in Tucson, AZ tonight.
I wish more people heard/read this tweet. I wish more people would literally stop being jerks and realize what is happening. I wish people would stop being so deeply rooted in their "side" and admit that this shit is scary as hell.
"What we cannot do is use this tragedy as one more occasion to turn on each other" said the President.
My heart is deeply saddened by the event in Tucson. It could literally happen anywhere at anytime to any of us. I am not in this post going to say how simply retarded some "political figures" are acting since this event occurred. I am not going to say how i feel very hhmmm short tempered towards people who are still sitting on their high horses and pointing a middle finger to people who don't agree with them and their point of views political or other wise. I will say, i am really sick and tired of this constant "instant gratification" bullshit we as Americans have towards our government and leaders. Heaven forbid nothing gets done on our clocks. Heaven forbid nothing gets done the way each individual person wishes it to be done. Heaven forbid we actually thank any human being for taking on such a leadership role in any level of government. Because truth be told...MOST of us wouldn't dare do what these people do even if we were getting paid MILLIONS AN HOUR for it!
What amazes me is a comedian on a comedy channel probably gave the best narration of the situation than just about all the political newscasters on all of the channels. YET, many don't take him seriously because he is "just a comedian". Really people? Really!
Yeah i am more than just a little upset about all this back and forth happening over this event. People don't like how i am proud of President Obama for how he is handling the event. Um so did you like how Bush Jr. handled Katrina? Did you like how people were treated in that event? If not then tell me how YOU would handle this situation? How would YOU address the nation about it? How would YOU deal with not just the new daily shit that happens with your country but all the past shit you gotta deal with too.
We sit and analyze TO DEATH the awful job someone who has a huge fucking job to do until we are blue in the face. We sit and say all the wrong this person is doing. We don't listen to them no matter WHAT he is speaking on. We stick to our beliefs and have blinders on because there possibly can't be anything this person can do or say we would agree with. I will say it...i couldn't stand Bush Jr. I was one of the people counting down his departure! BUT let's be real here...did i bash him relentlessly? Did i ignore his speeches? Did i mock people who liked him? Nope. I can honestly say i did not have blinders up for that whole time he was in office. Why not? Because i wanted to know what the fuck he was doing and how it was going to affect me, my family, my friends and my country. I disagreed with him on just about everything he did. But did i disrespect the leader of my country? Nope. Because Lord knows I would NEVER do that job!
Why am i angry? Why am i lashing out? Because i am so fucking tired of this "you stay on your side and i stay on my side and we will argue about everything and blame each other for everything that is going wrong because there is no way my side is wrong in what it does" chatter. I don't care WHO is in office, we aren't going to get shit done if we keep fighting each other at every opportunity! We are not going to be united on anything if we can't even agree that these things should not be happening and that we should do something besides running our mouths to get this shit fixed. My heart bleeds for every single troop out there. I have had several close friends of mine pass on in the line of duty. So don't even go there with me.
You want to sit and tell me to keep "my President" then fine, do what you gotta do. But don't expect me to take that shit lightly. I don't stand up for things unless i truly believe in them. I don't get out the soap box unless i am truly pissed about something and want my voice to be heard. You can go and disagree with me all you want...i got you. And even if you disagree with me, i still got love for you. But don't be an asshole about it. Don't disrespect my point of view just because it's different with yours. And don't challenge me when you wear blinders. And please don't even come at me with preconceived notions ABOUT ME. You don't know me like that, so don't act like you do.
I said at the start this post is not about politics but people. If you still don't get where i am coming from then you clearly don't get me as a person. Its not about who is in office, its about what they are doing and what WE can do TOGETHER. Cut through the bullshit and get to the details and the core of the matter. Take your personal feelings out of it and challenge on facts not on what he/she said chatter.
We lose people every day to completely unexpected events. This event happened on a political stage but it's not about politics at the end of the day. Politics will never trump Death. And that's why i am so very upset about all this and people's responses to it. It seems so many are too stuck on the wrong topic to even see that it doesn't matter what side you are on or where you are at or who you are...when death comes for you its going to get you. So man the fuck up and do something positive while you are still here instead of fighting a battle you will never win.
Leave a comment if you want but really i don't care anymore. I am sorry to my fellow authors of this blog that i had to take this very happy place to a dark place. I hope you understand why i did it here though and i love you guys!