Jan 25, 2011


Just a few quick remarks about the President's State of the Union address tonight. I had the pleasure of watching it with my good friend Row. He is by far much more a politico than i am, but i don't feel stupid if i have to ask him to explain something to me.

Don't get it twisted. I am not a blind President Obama follower and never will be. I don't agree with everything he says and does. If you think i am, then like i always say, you don't know me at all.

It saddens me that some of you whom i call friend will write me off or get really pissed off when i do support the President. Or when i mention anything that he has done. It disappoints me that those of you who strongly disagree with everything he has done and everything he ever will do don't even want to talk about it. You just throw out how evil and fucked up you think he is and then don't want to talk about it any further. When you are done, the whole conversation is done, so it seems. And if you do try to explain your point of view you are so vague and obscure you make no real point at all.

I enjoyed the fact that he mentioned that Muslim Americans are Americans as well. And about the DADT needing to be ended. Also enjoyed SOH Boehnner grin at all the wrong times and look so insanely bored as if he had a better place to be. Really? Come on now!

I really just want to extend an open invitation to ANYONE who is anti or pro President Obama to talk to me, i mean REALLY talk to me about why you support or don't support him. We need to have these open discussions so we can stop pointing fingers at each other and really understand where each other is coming from...even if we don't agree with it. You can have a soap box and yell as loud as you want but if you aren't saying anything of value and fact there is no point. I also would like if you honestly can admit if you were all for Bush Jr and Clinton when in office, OR did you become so engrossed in politics just when President Obama came into office?? Let's be frank and honest with each other. Running away from the discussion solves nothing. I have always believed that in order to be a complete free thinker and make reasonable decisions you need to be informed about BOTH SIDES, not just the one you agree with. So seriously...let's talk. And if you still choose to not talk then that's on you. But for me, i am not going to let talking heads tell me what i should agree with. Nor am i going to blindly go with what they say either...but hey, that's just me.

"Cong. Ryan's plea for his unborn grandchildren undercut by his support for higher tax rates for middle class than for rich" - Keith Olberman (i'm just saying)

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