If you are interested in contributing to this blog leave a comment and I will get back to you.
Oh I guess I could introduce myself...I am Razz, the creator and leader of this blog. I enjoy raining on people's parades and making grown men cry! What more do you need to know?
This is an open blog, meaning you can ask me or any of the other authors whatever you like! I have no problem dishing out advice to anyone about anything, in fact I enjoy it very much. We will tell stories upon stories and generally just rant till we get whatever is on our minds out. We do not promise to post every day, nor do we promise to keep it PC. So as the warning over there on the right suggests, if you have any issues with anything written just close the tab and get back to your life.
I hope you come back often to read the awesome here and contribute with comments, even if you disagree! A healthy debate is always a good thing!
thanx for reading!
I'm in if you'll have me. I'd love to contribute~!