Nov 21, 2013

Live and Let Eat

I am so very tired of people passing along scare tactics involving food. Stop trying to scare me into eating healthy! Yes, we all know chicken nuggets from McD's are evil. We all know it's probably some weird thing they do with chicken to make the shapes. But seriously...most of us have been eating them since we were kids and guess what...we are still here! In fact, we are SO ALIVE AFTER EATING THEM, some of you are ranting about how unhealthy and evil they are! Would you look at that pot and kettle...they match very well don't you think :P

It's getting out of hand really. People are losing common sense when it comes to the logic of food and the processes it goes through to get to our mouths. Yes, wash all your fruits and veggies, even if they come in "pre washed" packages. That's just common sense! But please, stop telling me all the evil chemicals they MIGHT be using to clean and colorize my food. There is no need to show me cows being slaughtered to try and convince me to not eat meat or eat free range products. Because if you're like me, it won't affect you AT ALL. I'm not sorry when i tell all you scarey food truths people, I don't give a fuck! There is no amount of horrible animal slaughtering videos, weird meat before and after pics, or insane detailed listings of what's really in my cereal that will stop me from eating what i want to eat. Maybe that was harsh but it's reality.

I am the same person who would own a mini pig as a pet and call it bacon and tell it how "yummy" it's relatives are AND STILL love it all the same with no shame or remorse! And i wouldn't dream of eating it! Is that wrong? Did I hit a nerve of humor or anger there? If you even smiled at that thought, you can't judge me, period.

I just saw another food scare thing go around on someone's FB about baby carrots being parts of unused adult carrots that weren't the best in the bunch and mutated together to make them baby form and intense food coloring to make them look bright orange and delicious. Seriously? It's easy to believe these half true and half false stories. But instead of believing it instantly, you should do your research which is generally a Google search away. Oh look what i found How odd this information only took me 3 minutes to get and share. Oh the wonders of the interwebs! *eye roll* As i said before, duh, wash your fruits and veggies and you will be fine! Hell you can even go to one of those fancy "all natural tips" sites and find natural ways to wash them if faucet water is just too scary to deal with.

Don't get me started on "natural" products either! Hey if that's your thing, by all means, do you. But stop trying to scare me into eating your "natural" tomatoes versus my store bought ones.

Hey, i'm all for Farmer's Markets and eating healthy and not running to fast food heavens every day. I am all for eat what you love, however you love to eat it. Food is good. Food is awesome. But like with everything else, food needs to be done in moderation. Eating a Big Mac every day is just downright stupid. Especially if you find yourself having health issues. Don't blame McD's for your stupidity. Blame yourself! You went there and bought it and ate it...repeatedly. WE ALL KNOW the dynamics of food and how some can kill you faster and others can make you live longer. We all know what to do, to live better. Just because you don't eat meat or you eat gluten free products doesn't make you a superior human being. It doesn't make you a healthier one (in some cases) either (studies have proven this, don't jump on me about this). But to honestly go on and on about how bad bacon, cheese, cake, caged chicken etc. is, is just annoying and pointless. You can't save everyone from themselves. You can't save all the animals either. Don't worry about anyone but yourself and your kids (if you have any) when it comes to your food. Just as dog and insects is a fancy meal in some countries, cows and chickens are daily meals here in the USA. But most of you wouldn't go over to those other countries and dare shame them for eating a Grasshopper now would you? Exactly.

Food wasn't meant for us to be gluttons with. It was meant to nourish us so we can go about our lives happy and not dying so fast. What i put in my mouth (HA) is my own business. What you put in yours is your own business. I really appreciate those of you who keep your diet ideals to yourself and don't put your agenda on the rest of us. I wish more people were like that. Hell, I eat giant burgers right in front of my vegan friend while she has tofu and weeds and guess what, we couldn't care less! And when she splurges and has a piece of my real awesome cheesecake ice cream, I don't give her shit about it. Why should i?

Now, i'm off to have an Egg Nog shake with my Bacon Burger! GOOD EATS!

PS...For the record, i have a fairly healthy diet and i eat my fruits and veggies regularly. So don't think I'm some super fat chick being angry because i keep getting shamed for my weight or something like that. Nope, that's not me. I am just a lover of food no matter how it's made.

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