Jul 4, 2011

A Maternal Second

My good friend Maximus just had a really adorable baby whom i call Mini Maximus. This kid is already melting my heart as i see more and more pictures of him with his daddy. Also because his hardcore of a man dad is being reduced to mush by such a tiny lil human hehe I am proud and happy for Max and can't wait to see the daddy adventures!

As i looked at the newest picture of Mini Maximus, i had what i would call a weak moment but you mother's would call it a "maternal" moment. For a few seconds i thought "i want my baby to look that cute". Yeah! I KNOW! Razz had a maternal moment which is just crazy! If you know me, you are probably picking your jaw off the ground lol I don't have these feelings and i've said it over and over again "i don't have a maternal clock and i'm happy about that." or "i'm not birthing no babies!" Either way, i've been anti children all of my life...even as a child i didn't like badass kids and had to tell them or my mother "those are bad kids", which made her laugh all the time.

But yes, i admit for a second i was weak and thought about having a baby that cute and with a man that awesome. I have always enjoyed strong, hardworking men. Men who are soft and romantic on the inside but not everyone gets to see it. It takes something pretty serious to make a strong man become mush and soft. So the thought of my "future baby daddy" who will be like that (strong, hardworking bla bla bla) becoming softy and a dad and loving our child made me FOR A SECOND want that.

Then reality kicked back in. This adorable Mini Maximus is adorable at that very second...in the picture...with his father...on the monitor...with no sound...far far away. Yeah, that kid is precious in that moment. Not so much when crying, pooping, whinning, walking, talking, schooling, maturing, hormoning, humping, dating, smack talking, peeing everywhere, eating, high schooling, graduating, lazying, mooching, moving out and then back in and then back out, mooching some more, falling in love with hoes, heartbreaking and heartbroken, doing stupid stuff with friends, then maybe settling down...maybe. Yeah...i rather stare at the picture and then go back to my life without babies =)

Now, don't get me wrong, i know Mini Maximus is going to be an awesome kid. He cannot not be! His dad is awesome! And his dad won't take no shit, so i'm not concerned about him at all lol I still don't want one though. Nope, the moment's passed. And even if that adorableness somehow got attached to me and i to him and wanted to be around it more, i still don't want to birth any babies! I would love to keep the kid while he is quiet and sleeping adorably and then down the road as a teenager to tell him the ways of women and why hoes are hoes...but still don't want to birth any! NOPE!

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