Apr 11, 2011


Women are notorious for settling when it comes to many things in life. We settle when it comes to not spending money on something we really want because we have to support someone else or pay someone else for something. We settle on where we live, what we eat, who we talk too, where we work and so many other things usually for the "greater good" of everyone else. We put ourselves last in almost everything we do. And for the most part when we do this, everyone knows and or sees it. Not because we want the attention but we feel people need to know what we are sacrificing for someone else to be happy instead of making ourselves happy. So we announce our feelings in hopes that someone will have mercy on us and say something to make us feel less "last place" in our own lives.

Men on the other hand, rarely settle when it comes to things in their lives. They will fight tooth and nail over which beer is better. They will research for months to find the perfect sound system, computer, phone, or anything techie. They hate bad steaks and will constantly tell you where the best steak they ever had was. They even put thought into the jeans they are going to wear for particular things (they just like to pretend they don't but they do). Men don't settle as much as women do. They don't think about the greater good as the first option...usually. For the most part they think about what is good for them AND THEN what is good for everyone else. Being selfish isn't always a bad thing.

The one thing though that some guys get a little lazy about and seem to settle is women. Some guys would rather be happy 65% of the time on a "good day" with thier girlfriend than 80% of the time every day. A guy can say his relationship is going "pretty good" and be just fine with that answer. I personally, as a woman, i really dislike that phrase "pretty good" in refrence to a relationship. That's a phrase you use for a movie that you could have netflixed instead of spent $11 for at the theater. Pretty Good is a phrase you use for a day that could have been better but you are just glad it's over.

One of my ex's (whom i still care about) would get a huge smile and glow pure happiness at the mere mention of my name. THAT is how a man AND woman should feel about their significant other. There shouldn't be any sign of "pretty good" that comes from them when they talk, think, see their significant other. I am not saying you should make your whole world/happiness revolve around them but you should feel an immense joy when you think of that person.

Some men rather deal with a girl who has a few things going for her and is easy to get, rather than a girl who has lots of things going for her and just a bit more difficult to get ahold of. They rather deal with the girl who answers all of his calls than the girl who has her own life and may not be available every time he needs her. They rather have a girl who depends on them a bit more than they are comfortable with BUT it's better than her only needing him for geniune things like loving, nice dinners and painting a room. Sure they want that girl who can handle her own drama, cook her own meals and change a tire but they don't want to work too hard to get her. They figure if they have to work at it, it's probably not worth it. So they might just keep her around as a friend and hope that she might chase him one day and THEN he will give in and make it seem like SHE is lucky to have him, when its entirely the other way around.

I am not saying all guys settle but many of them do. Women settle for men they don't need out of loneliness and desperation. Men settle for women they don't need out of laziness. There is usually someone right in front of you or in your immediate circle that adores you and would be great for you but for some reason you don't want to go for it. This is upsetting and disappointing because that person will give you everything you need but you are to caught up in other nonsense to realize it and when you do, it will be to late.

We all need to never settle for anything less than what we want and deserve. Go for that 80% or hell even 100%!! You deserve it!!!

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