Mar 11, 2011

Celibacy is....

..the new black. After recently hearing this, "Having sex with you made me realize how much I missed my ex", I have decided that it's celibacy for me for until I meet a nice, attractive guy who wants to take me out and spend time with me out outside of the bedroom. Sex just reminds me of how much I miss having a relationship. When I first became single I felt an overwhelming sense of relief and freedom, but now I'm just lonely. Finally for the first time in my life I get marriage. It finally makes sense to me because life is hard and living your life alone is really hard. Having someone to share those hard times with makes it just a little better. So I'm giving up my wild youth for one of moderate adulthood (let's not get too crazy).

1 comment:

  1. Been doing the "single" think for nearly 8 years now. Totally get the marriage thing too, but would settle for just having a sig other.
