Feb 2, 2011

Food Experiment #17

I am always doing random things to normal foods. I try to always "build up" any boring food to make it more inviting to eat for myself. When you hear Salad, most people are like "no way, im good" but me, when i hear Salad i think "OH what can i put on it today?!"

Food Experiment #17 is "Salad and Cereal"

Stop making gagging noises and hear me out! It's not what you think at all =P

I took a regular mixed greens salad, did my current obsession of blue cheese and a lite Cesar dressing. But i wanted MORE! So i dug deep into my fridge and found crushed almonds, SCORE! I started eating it and was like "i need sweetness" so i went back to the fridge and pulled out some of my blueberry syrup to drizzle over but i felt i have done that enough already last week i needed volume with this salad. Back to the fridge and found nothing of interest. Then i looked up and saw my Special K Blue Berry cereal! BINGO!!! I love grinding up healthy cereals as toppings on just about anything and everything so this wasn't a stretch for me at all. I took 2 handfuls of my yummy cereal and crushed it in my hands, sprinkling it on top of my salad. True i did ponder how it would taste with the Cesar salad dressing but im a rebel with food so it didn't scare me off at all. First fork full was good but i didn't taste any dressing...so i dug deeper. And BOOM there it was, dressing, cereal, blue cheese, almonds and yes salad. OMG SO DELISH!

I pranced around with accomplishment and joy chowing down on my latest creation. Now i am eating an Asian Pear to cover my fruit needs and a bottle of Aquafina to stay hydrated. I feel awesome! I can't wait to create another salad experiment!

If you dare to try it, let me know how it goes! Next time i will give the low down on my apples and cereal morning, noon and night delish creation!


  1. I love the concept of experimenting w/food. As a kid I was a very picky eater but now as an adult I've grown to LOVE and appreciate food for what it is. I'm a little hesitant though to the idea of mixing sweet w/ my salad. I LOVE SALADS and don't really want to change the flavor profile too much but I might try it w/the dry cereal on top but the syrup is to Big of a leap for me. Lol :)

  2. haha Tenisha yeah, i can understand the fear of mixing the syrup but how do you think raspberry and all those fruit style of dressings are made? take a lil bit of Italian dressing (2 table spoons) in a bowl, mix your fave fruit syrup in there (1 teaspoon to start) and mix it with a spoon. Taste and see how you like it. if you want more bitterness then don't add anymore. If you want more sweetness then add a lil more syrup. If you don't like it at all then you didn't waste any salad =P You gotta watch some Foodnetwork Iron Chef and you will get ideas and braver lol
