Jan 24, 2015


I've been MIA clearly. Sorry...kinda forgot about this place as life decided to take all of my attention for the last few months of 2014. In some regards i am complaining. But overall i'm not. I lived and had a great time doing so. I've been thinking about that actually all morning. How i lived the end of 2014, even with some painful events happening i still lived. A friend posted something to my wall today and it reminded me of my roots as a writer.

I am a story teller. I am a story maker. I live to make memories that become stories. I am a story giver. I am a story lover. I pass on stories from others. I pass on stories from my own life experiences in hopes it helps someone else not make the same stupid mistakes...OR at least how to get out of them ;)

My stories can be fact or fiction. Poetry or novel. Minutes long or days long. Some stories are meant for a small group of people. Some for the masses. Either way, it's not a story if nobody hears about it. Even if it's just one other person that knows about it, that makes it a story. Experiences become stories and living is an experience. That is what drives me and what my foundation is.

I am smirking while writing this just thinking of all the stories i have for the end of 2014. Some of you know them...some of you don't. Some of you were there, and those are probably some of the best stories MOST of you will never hear lol

Thus far...just a mere 24 days into 2015 and i already have some great stories! Some are tragic and some are awesome. Either way, i'm happy for them. Like i said, living is an experience and experiences become stories. I can proudly say, i've lived some great experiences that make my soul truly happy so far this year. I am planning on making many many more! I am too excited (if there is such a thing) about this year. I know there will be issues and pain, but there will also be glorious and amazing moments as well. Things are changing, moving, shifting. I am living and i really am so thankful to have some of you along for the ride!

All that said...i will be back here more often...hopefully lol If you don't see anything for awhile it's because i'm too busy having experiences BUT i will definitely TRY to share some of the stories :)

Thank you all for your continued reading and supporting! I wish you all great stories!!