I'm sorry about how i am going to deliver this but i'm not sorry about the point.
Why the fuck do people keep cranking out these stupid ass shows about black people...wait no, about black women making us look MORE stupid than some people already think we are?! WHY? Single Ladies is a stupid show. Basketball Wives is a stupid show. The Game is HALFWAY decent but still stupid overall.
These shows are portraying black women in a light of, we like money, drinking, glitz and sleeping around. Seriously?? That we are all high drama, mouthy and uncouth. I'm really tired of these shows. I'm really tired of others looking at me like i "might be one of them". Or even asking me about it. I'm sorry to disappoint you but I am NOTHING like those women and don't plan on being like them.
Now look, if you wanna put yourself out there like that on a silly little reality show, by all means, do your thing. Please just know you aren't just showing the world YOU but you are also showing the world US. Unfortunately we live in a world were people are still stupid enough to think people on TV is a correct portrayal of people in real life. So do YOU honey, do YOU till you turn blue, but when you mouthing off, throwing bottles, trying to be "classy" and showing your ass, think about the example you are showing for all of us. We have too many young girls trying to grow up too damn fast and be like YOU on a show like THAT.
And if you are reading a script for a show that pretty much lives in stereotype land, maybe rethink it. Maybe show your intelligence and stand up for something. Selling your soul for a quick buck never lasts long.
I am just really tired of seeing this shit. I wish there was a smart, funny show about how most of us black women are and not what people THINK they want to see. It's like black movies! All black people do in the movies is eat, have family reunions, have weddings, have family drama, have funerals, become criminals or strippers and drink. Seriously? We can't think of nothing else but that? Come on people! And when something DECENT comes out as a black movie, people don't support it cause of stupid shit. Sure, i'm sick of Madea just like everyone else, but Tyler Perry makes other good movies and when they come out people all talk shit and don't support them! Hell Queen Latifah will do a movie and still nobody supports it. Sure it may be kind of lame but damn it, at least its not the usual crap we spew out.
I'm going to get off my soap box right now, but I'm not done with this topic, nope! And for the record YES i do watch The Game and Basketball Wives Reunion (only the reunions!) because damn it i get tired of seeing white people do crazy shit in the swamp and selling things! Yep, I'm an equal opportunity annoyed with all people on TV in general person so don't think i'm being evil or something like that. I don't like most of the shit on TV, no matter who is on it >=)