So FX is showing Twilight 1 and i keep pausing on it to watch it. I want to know what all the hype is about. I still don't get it but here are my thoughts...
- Kristen Stewart has no emotion. She looks like she is constantly constipated, even when she tries to be happy. Her narration voice reminds me too much of Lindsay Lohan narrating in Mean Girls. Which is rather annoying because i whole heartedly believe Lindsay would have made a better and less annoying Bella. How can someone give Kristen's character the name Bella and she is anything but??
- Robert Patinson...i must say i can see his appeal. He is like the Jason Priestly of this time =) The hair, chilvary, devotion to the chick he's all there. I will admit, a very well written character who has fascinating and obsessive qualities most teen girls need to become fans of someone. I do however feel bad for thim....Edward is just a role and although it's a role that made his career, he will forever be seen as Edward until he builds up his credits as a legitamite actor. I'm sure he will be fine, just have to keep getting good roles that show his range. I'm pretty sure he can do more than we know. I don't like his high pitched voice in the movie though. It's not THAT high but it's not manly enough for me. I do however give him props for losing his accent completely.
- The part at the end where Bella wants to be "with him forever" at her prom is so fucking hilarious! It's so the typical "i don't want to be a virgin anymore, tonight is the night" prom cliche! And Kristen can't even show emotion when kissing. This chick is pathetic! I don't like the constant color to hazy blue-grey-black-white thing they did either, it was annoying, not cinema. And all the intense profile, smh.
- Peter Facinelli was nice to see as the "father" of the pack. Cause you know, those wild teens needs direction and restraint!
- I do like that one vampire chick Alice, probably because she just looks cool.
In closing, i worked hard to not vomit while watching the little bit that i did (about the last 45mins of it). There is no part of me that could sit threw a whole series, let alone 2 hours of this anti-climatic movie(s). There was never a point where i wanted to be Bella, or wanted a guy like Edward. Sure in theory it would be cool to date a vampire but from where i come from, they suck blood and don't have the option to "control the urge". If you are gonna fall for a vampire, you better be ready to be one. Also, the angst that Bella puts herself threw makes me want to break her neck! I know, she is like 16 but come on!!!! She is super cliche too...doesn't socialize, lives in a small town, parents are apart, random dudes like her but her self esteem is so shot to hell she doesn't realize it till they chase her down or pop up in her room randomly and so on. It's classic geared for teens writing. I know some of you might think "if you were 16 now, you would probably be a fan of it"...let me tell you somethin, i would still scoff at it if i was 16...that's just me.
I don't think anything less of the Twihards or whatever they are called, i just know even after seeing a bit, i will never be into it.
ps...i just read on IMDB the whole story of the main characters all the way up to the end (last book) and yeah, anti-climatic just like i thought *snickering*